Gardening with Kangen Water®
Gardening with Enagic® Water is a great way to keep your plants and flowers healthy, enlivened, and lush. Just like your body needs clean, alkaline, and chlorine-free Kangen Water® for health, your plants also need the healthy water for optimal growth and nourishment. The water from your Enagic® machine can even revitalize weak plants, making them stronger and more vibrant than ever before! Enagic® Water stimulates germination and seedling development, leaving your plants in peak condition without the use of harmful chemicals.
Nourishing vegetables and flowers with Enagic® Water in your own garden means you can save money at the grocery store and florist, reduce (or eliminate) the amount of pesticides in your home, and even cut down on all the wasted resources associated with transporting plants, flowers, and produce across the globe. Lowering your carbon footprint has never been so rewarding! You can even use your fragrant flowers to make your own perfume.
Get back to basics, and discover how your Enagic® machine can help you grow a green, beautiful garden.
You first need to decide which Enagic® Water is right for your plants. Plants have different preferences in pH for water and soil, and the water you use will have a big impact on your plant health and growth2. Here is a general list of the plants that thrive in slightly alkaline, neutral, and slightly acidic water and soil:
Plants that Prefer Slightly Alkaline Kangen Water®
(pH 8.5 - 9.5)
Most of these plants show optimal growth in the 7.5 - 8.5, so you can experiment between Kangen Water® 8.5 and Neutral Water (pH 7.0) to find the best results. The pH of your soil will have a big impact on which water you should use. These plants include: asparagus, beets, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, carrots, mushrooms, parsley, geraniums, irises, phlox, vinca, hydrangeas (for pink blooms), and lilacs. Hydrangeas are a rare plant, as the pH of your water will change the color of the blooms.
Plants that Prefer Slightly Acidic Water
(pH 4.0 - 6.0)
Some plants prefer slightly acidic water and soil. Set your SD501 to pH 5.0 for the following vegetables and plants: rhododendrons, begonias, azaleas, heathers, hydrangeas (for blue blooms), peanuts, cucumbers, potatoes, dill, leeks, chili peppers, eggplant, garlic, chives, artichoke, tomatoes, and most berries. Roses grow most vibrantly with pH 5.5 - 6.5, so you may want to experiment with Slightly Acidic Water (set at pH 6.0) and Neutral Water (pH 7.0) to see which one yields the healthiest roses with your particular soil. Remember to always take into consideration the pH of your soil when you choose which Enagic® Water to use on your plants.
Plants that Prefer Neutral Water
(pH 7.0)
Many vegetables and plants thrive in a neutral pH. These plants include spinach, parsnips, dahlias, chrysanthemums, brussels sprouts, sweet peas, broccoli, asparagus, beans, avocado, cantaloupe, kiwi, mint, lettuce, onions, yams, radishes, squash, bell peppers, and tulips. Use Enagic® Neutral Water to keep these plants hydrated and healthy.
No matter which Enagic® Water you choose for your garden, you can have peace of mind that your plants will be healthy with this clean, high-quality water. And think of how delicious your fruits and vegetables will taste after they've been watered with your Enagic® machine instead of chlorinated tap water!
Here are some other helpful tips for a successful Kangen Garden:
Always plan ahead. Sketch your garden with pen and paper so you have a clear plan of where everything will be planted. Smaller plants should be in the front and bigger plants in the back.
Water your plants in the morning or late evening, when it is not too hot outside. In the winter, water your plants when the temperature is above 40 degrees with no snow cover.
Make sure to read the planting instructions of each of your plants so you know exactly how much Enagic® Water they need.
Plants need additional watering in windy climates, as the wind can dry out the earth and plants quickly.
If your soil could use a boost, use your own Kangen Compost. This homemade organic fertilizer will bring new life your soil and plants!
Gardening is a fun, sustainable, and environmentally responsible decision that will help sustain your family's overall wellness. You and your children have much to gain from greening your home with a garden. Find out how you can improve your life and surroundings by growing your very own Enagic® Garden!